Welcome To My Blog

Thanks for checking the blog out... Hope it offers something a bit different every now & again. Though I come from a pseudo - Mod background (Soul & Ska in particular), I have a diverse taste in music & hope my varied posts will reflect this.

Cheers Skamanc .... I'm not after your undying gratitude, but please leave your thoughts, comments & opinions on the posts & content. I regularly up- & download material, plus buy and trade items. As such, if I have inadvertently "trodden on anyone's toes" in posting anything then please let me know & accept my apologies. Also please support the artists involved & remember that the blog is merely a pointer toward these various downloads, which are stored elsewhere. Legally, any downloads should not be retained for more than a week. So now I've told you the legal bit !

Feel free to give me a shout : waltjabsco@hotmail.com

Manchester M22, September 2016

For my kids, Dylan & Tommy. Bollocks to the ex Mrs!

Special thanks to Steve White (software), Gordon Waring (music), Shaun Robinson (artwork), Paul Buddery (DVD's / software) & Sonchey Barrett (essential technical advice!).

"Thank you" also to regular contributors Herr Pauli (Malente, Germany), Phil (Shetland), Deco Mc Dermott & Mark Pengelly of Dublin, Martin Smith (Barnet), Paul Baily (London) and Rodd (Australia).

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

THE RUTS : Marquee Club 19/7/79 (The Ruts Are Burning)

                                          The usual BIG thanks to Martin for this gem.

While I'm posting, Rapidshare have sent me several pidgin English e-mails this evening, seeminmgly apologising. They've also given me a freebie pile of Rapids (the equivalent of the old Rapid Points) that are no real use to me as I'm using other uploaders now & my 50GB data capacity is a hair's breadth from being full... Glad the files are safe though - I've loads of existing drafts here with RS sharecodes - this saves me having to reupload 'em all via Sharebee...

Nearly at the end of 17 hour day here - Mrs SM & the kids are snoring & I'm debating a squizz at the Elvis Costello / Montreal gig I sky plussed reently... this will be burned to dvd & the audio ripped onto the blog asap...

Loads of great stuff lined up for October : more of Martin's Clash collection, The Jam, Jonathan Richman & Blondie Live, Solar Flares (cheers Rico !), The Chameleons, Bob Dylan & more...

Watch this space & please keep the comments / messages / e-mails coming.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

THE JAM : Rockpalast (Germany) 1980

Excellent compilation of The Jam's live appearances on German TV's Rockpalast in 1980. Rather shaky pic above is of Weller on the show. This post is the first after the Rapidshare debacle so fingers crossed !!



For Herr Pauli & Jam fans everywhere !

Monday, 27 September 2010


Fuck it - even if rapidshare have pulled the plug on my archives I've still got my 1TB hard drive packed with material just begging to be shared & listened to.

I'm English - Dunkirk spirit & all that & will not be beaten by a gang of holy cheese eating cuckoo clock watching computer geeks.

Still no Virgin broadband - fuck them too ! Tmobile are allowing me to up / download at certain times of the day, completely at odds with their fair usage policy & the reminders they keep texting to me.Still, I'll take full advantage while I can...

Some of the posts using Rapidshare continue to work whilst others don't - apologies if this has caused you a problem.

I am uploading stuff from my HDD as I type this post & will keep the blog going as I feel I've put too much into it to quit, as well as all the welcome contributions from the blog faihful - names are in the welcome blurb.

I'll be posting a contribution from Martin later tonight or Tuesday - as this is one of his sharecodes rather than mine then I hope it'll wotk as intended.

PS Just got the html sorted & inserted the new sharebee codes for The Jam / Rockpalast post. All working as intended. I am really pleased with that post as it took me hours to convert each track from Flac to MP3.

The end of the Blog ???

It is with heavy heart that I type this, as this may well be the last post on the Blog.

Sometime this afternoon, Rapidshare altered their website format.... I've been upolading material since mid morning ready to be drafted & then posted. At present, the new Rapidshare site has unresponsive links, so I can't make certain that my 650+ sharecodes are still available via their site.

If all goes well, the teething troubles will be sorted out & it's business as usual for the blog. If they have disappeared, then it's all over.

I have the music files themsleves stored safely elsewhere, but now lack the sheer free time needed to reupload everything.

I sincerely hope that the codes will be available after Rapidshare get their new look site up & running....

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Friday, 24 September 2010

THE JAM : Four Acres Club, NYC, April 1st 1978

More quality sounds courtesy of old Skamanc & Martin Smith. We both appreciate warm, pleasant comments, so please get typing !! Many thanks.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

THE CLASH : Roundhouse 1976

More Clash from Martin's vaults, this time a '76 recording fom The Roundhouse.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

THE CLASH : London Lyceum 1978

Live December '78 Clash bootleg from the Lyceum, courtesy again of Martin Smith. Download, enjoy & please leave a comment / thanks for Martin.
           click here...

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE : Black Devil (L'Olympia, Paris, 29/1/68).

Decent live boot of Hendrix & the Experience that has been doing the rounds for years.

THE SMITHS : Live in Aberdeen

Another Smiths live file, courtesy of regular contributor Martin Smith. (No relation !). Full tracklisitng is included on the download file. Please leave a comment or two for Martin and he might share some more material with us - all contributors should be encouraged !
For Bud The Wiser...

Monday, 20 September 2010

DEAD KENNEDYS : Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death (1987)

More great material from the Kennedys. This post includes the tracks from the free flexidisc that came with initial copies of the album...


PC is back on (free fix though had to wait 9 days to get it done...). Desperately catching up with the backlog now though still unable to upload due to "difficulties" with Virgin Broadband. These posts are drafts from a while back though still great to have nonetheless. Hope to be back up & running properly very soon...

Sunday, 19 September 2010

JOE JACKSON : Estival Jazz Lugano (Switzerland) 4/7/08

Fur Pauli, mein Deutsch freund...
Rapidshare link / code now repaired. (Sunday morning).

Saturday, 18 September 2010

JOE JACKSON BAND : Volume 4 (2003)

2003 album from Joe Jackson & band. Iniial copies included a free bonus disc of 6x live tracks from 2002, which is included here....
Please keep the comments, e-mails etc coming. My main PC will (touch wood!) be back up & running tomorrow afternoon so I'll be able to take the blog off the backburner. That is if Mrs Skamanc has paid the broadband bill...ain't life complicated ? I bought a T Mobile mobile broadband dongle as a back up - used the months data allowance in 2 hours. This means I can still surf unlimited though not up or download...

JONATHAN RICHMAN : Germany 3/6/85

More gems from the Richman (boot) back catalogue...Thanks to regular contributor Dave Scott for this.

Egyptian Reggae, Ice Cream Man, Vincent van Gogh, Louie Louie, In My Trance, Corner Store, Instrumentals, Stop This Car, Rockin' Leprechaun, Now Is Better Than Before, Not Yet Three, I'm Just Beginning To Live, That Summer Feeling, This Kinda Music, Hey Little Insect, Sirin & Farhad, Beach, UFO Man, Affection, Give Paris One More Chance, Walter Johnston & Outro.

Thanks again Dave!!

Just a quick plea - please leave some comment & / or thanks on the posts, especially those where the material has been provided by blog contributors like Dave or Martin. Recent posts with no comments have download traffic varying between 18 & 56 at the time of writing. (typing ?). My main PC is still out of comission & its a struggle to blog at all right now...End of sermon.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

THE SMITHS : Asleep / Unloveable (Inverness, 1/10/85).

Just received a couple of Smiths bootlegs with thanks from regular visitor (& new contributor) Martin Smith. These include various Peel / Radio Session tracks, tracks from TV appearances plus mainly instrumental soundchecks from the Eden Court, Inverness, recorded on October 1st 1985. If you would like an e-mail copy of the scannedrear cover track listings please e-mail me, and please be sure to leave a comment or two for Martin...

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

JOE JACKSON : I'm The Man (1979)

Excellent 2nd album from the Jackson Band.
For Keith Johnson - many thanks for your comments & generous donation towards the blog.

Monday, 13 September 2010

JOE JACKSON BAND : Orpheum, Boston 9/12/82

Click here...

For blog visitors Mel Cheplowitz & Jack Simpson - thanks again for your kind donations !!

Sunday, 12 September 2010

JONATHAN RICHMAN & THE MODERN LOVERS : 23 Great Recordings (1990)

Does exactly what it says on the sleeve : this is an excellent compilation for the Richman newcomer or completist.  Do a blog search via the box @ the home page top to discover more Richman / Modern Lovers gems.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

JOE JACKSON BAND : Beat Crazy (1980)

The Joe Jackson Band's third long player, released in 1980. More to come... Please keep the comments and messages coming !!


Excellent soul compilation of Flo's post - Supreme's recordings for ABC in 1968, rounded off by 4x 1961 Supremes tracks where she took lead vocals. Ballard was by far the best singer in the Supremes (Mary Wilson was no slouch either) - sadly Diana Ross was given the star treatment, and her weaker voice was the usual lead. (She was shagging Motown boss Berry Gordy so can you guess why?). Sadly Flo had a troubled life and died in 1976 from cardiac arrest.

More hassles right now - my main PC has a virus (hoping to have it reloaded Sunday...). Also Virgin broadband is down & I used my Tmobile monthly allowance in 2 hours !!! Currently @ me Dad's (20 miles each way) which is too much bother so please let the computer get fixed by the end of the weekend...

Thursday, 9 September 2010

THE JAM : Reading University (UK) 1979

Undated gig from Reading University, 1979, hence the "Young Ones" reference & the Mod - Pop Art sleeve. Not a bad sounding file, and an ok tracklisting also, consisting of material from their three LPs to date, plus "Heatwave" that would surface shortly on "Setting Sons". God, how I loved the Jam...
For Bud, Sonchey, Gobshyte, Stav & all bloggers everywhere...

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

OTIS REDDING : London & Paris, March 1967

Fantastic document of the London (March 17th) and Paris (21st) legs of the 1967 Stax - Volt Revue. Both of Otis' sets are included here, and are an essential addition to any serious Soul collection.
For Otis & Al Jackson Jr.

This is my 500th post since the blog began back in January. A big thanks to everyone who has logged on, downloaded, shared some music & / or left a comment. This is your blog, which benefits greatly from your support.

Wish me luck @ College - my electrical course starts today...